Write Reviews, Get FREE License!

Are you a webmaster, blogger or internet columnist? We will present a free license code of PicGIF/VideoGIF to you if you write a review of PicGIF or VideoGIF on your own website, blog space or column! Don't hesitate! Write immediately and get the FREE License now!

What are the requirements?

Our only requirements for you are:

(1) You must have a website, blog space or internet column so that you can put the review on your space.

(2) You can put the review on your index page or sub-page.

(3) The sub-page link including the review should be kept on your index page at least 2 month if you put the review on a sub-page.

(4) The review content should contain the link to macgifmaker.com website.

(5) The length of review content is no less than 400 words.

(6) Your website/blog must be indexed by Google.

When can you get the FREE License?

If you are interested in writing a review of PicGIF or VideoGIF on your space, please send an email to [email protected] to get the free license code right away!